Invitation: Human Rights Day discussion
In commemoration of Human Rights Day, Lawyers for Human Rights is hosting a cafe discussion on recent trends of using criminal law to target the poor. Discussions will examine the policies and decisions that exclude marginalised communities and limit their access to public space and services. Increasingly, authorities treat informal traders, beggars and the homeless as a threat to public safety. The recent ke Malao police operation is a case in point. The panelists will give an overview of clean sweep operations in various municipalities as well as the experiences of people who use begging to make a living.
Speakers include: Nigel Branken (Transform)
Jethro Gonese (International Society for the Blind and Disabled)
Mametlwe Sebei (Lawyers for Human Rights)
Where: Democracy Cafe, Kutlwanong Democracy Centre, 357 Visagie Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria
Date: 21 March 2015
Time: 9:30am for 10. Event concludes at 12pm.